Best MCQs On Cooperative Societies for UPSC, Cooperative Movement MCQs

In this section you will find some Cooperative Society Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and answers that will help you in checking and enhancing your knowledge about the cooperative societies. Lets solve MCQs on cooperative societies and cooperative movement.

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What Are Cooperative Societies

Cooperative societies are people centered enterprises that originated as a result of negative side effects of industrialisation. They are voluntary organisations where all members have equal voting rights irrespective of their share or worth. The basic motive behind them is the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society.

The Best MCQs On Cooperative Societies

This is the time to solve MCQs on cooperative societies now. Each question will have four options and you are required to choose the most appropriate answer. If you fail to do all the questions correctly, we urge you to repeat the process.

The Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union at Anand was formed in:

  1. 1916
  2. 1926
  3. 1936
  4. 1946


Full form of NCHF is:

  1. National Cooperative Housing Federation
  2. National Credit Housing Finance
  3. National Consumer Housing Federation
  4. National Cooperative Housing Finance

National Cooperative Housing Federation

Which committe has been appointed by RBI to make suggestions with regard to structural reforms for urban cooperative banks.

  1. NS Vishwanathan committee
  2. Urjit Patel committee
  3. AK Bhuchar Committee
  4. Vaghul Committee

NS Vishwanathan committee

Where was the first Diary Cooperative Society of India registered in 1913:

  1. Anand in Gujrat
  2. Allahabad in UP
  3. Aurangabad In Maharashtra
  4. Kolkata in West Bengal

Allahabad in UP

Mission Sahakar 22 is a scheme by

  1. NDDB
  2. NCHF
  3. NCDC


Which among the following is true about TRIFED?

  1. It was set up in 1987
  2. It works for the betterment of tribals.
  3. it is a partner of trifood scheme.
  1. all of them
  2. only 1 and 2
  3. only 1 and 3
  4. only 2 and 3

all of them

JAKFED was registered in:

  1. 1940
  2. 1950
  3. 1960
  4. 1970


MILMA refers to

  1. Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation
  2. Maharashtra Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation
  3. Manipur Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation
  4. Karnataka Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation

Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation

Which among the following is true about “The Cooperator” magazine?

  1. It is published by NCUI
  2. It is a quarterly magazine
  3. Both
  4. None

It is published by NCUI

Which of the following cooperative farming societies does not allow a member to withdraw his land after it has been pooled into it?

  1. Cooperative joint farming society
  2. Cooperative better farming society
  3. Cooperative tenant farming society
  4. Cooperative collective farming society

Cooperative collective farming society

The word “co-operation” derived from which language.

  1. German
  2. Latin
  3. Italian
  4. Greek


What is the meaning of the word “Co-operari”?

  1. Self help and mutual help
  2. Working together
  3. All for one and one for all
  4. Each for all and all for each

Working together

“Co-operation aims at production of fine human beings” which aspect of co-operation is this?

  1. Moral Aspect
  2. Educational aspect
  3. Social Aspect
  4. Economic aspect

Moral Aspect

Name the man behind the idea of co-operative commonwealth.

  1. D.G. Karve
  2. T.N Hajeela
  3. D.R.Gadgil
  4. J.S Mill


The term co-operation as an institution and an enterprise related to:

  1. Service provider
  2. Profit earning
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of this

Both A and B

Democratic control in co-operative means:

  1. Control by members
  2. Government control
  3. Control by registrar
  4. Board of director

Control by members

The Headquarters of NDDB are at:

  1. Anand
  2. Delhi
  3. Jaipur
  4. None


PACS stands for:

  1. Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society
  2. Primary Association of Credit Societies
  3. Primary Agricultural Credit Society
  4. Primary Assocation of Credit Societies

Primary Agricultural Credit Society

What is the full form of NCUI?

  1. National Cooperative Union of India
  2. Natural Coir Union of India
  3. National Cooperative University of India
  4. National Commission for Universities in India

National Cooperative Union of India

Who is the father of Cooperation in England?

  1. Robert Owen
  2. Dr. William King
  3. C.R.Fay
  4. F.W. Raiffeisen

Robert Owen

The basic idea behind co-operation is:

  1. Self help and mutual help
  2. Self help
  3. Mutual help
  4. Each for all and all for each

Self help and mutual help

The objective of co-operative society is:

  1. Service
  2. Profit
  3. Self melp
  4. Mutual help


____ is a golden means between____and _____ .

  1. Co-operation, Capitalism,Socialism
  2. Co-operation ,Socialism, Communism
  3. Co-operation,Communism, Capitalism
  4. All of the above

Co-operation, Capitalism,Socialism

The entire means of production is owned and operated by individuals in:

  1. Co-operation
  2. Socialism
  3. Capitalism
  4. Communism


Based on the recommendation in Tokyo Congress who revised the principles of co-operation.

  1. D.G.Karve
  2. ICA
  3. Ivan Mac Pherson
  4. George Davidonic

Ivan Mac Pherson

Who are the two pioneers of cooperative movement in Germany.

  1. F. W. Raiffeisen and Franz Schulze
  2. Robert Owen and Dr. William King
  3. F.W Raiffeisen and Dr. William King
  4. Robert Owen and Dr. William King

F. W. Raiffeisen and Franz Schulze

The “Rochdale Friendly Cooperative Society” was formed in____?

  1. 1830
  2. 1930
  3. 1730
  4. 1630


In ______ the state is supreme, while in ____ the individual freedom occupies the front position.

  1. co-operation, capitalism
  2. capitalism, co-operation
  3. socialism, capitalism
  4. socialism, co-operation

socialism, capitalism

Who coined the term “Find Raffeisen”?

  1. Sir Federik Nicholson
  2. Sir Edward Law
  3. Dr. William King
  4. Sir Maclagan

Sir Federik Nicholson

The Cooperative Credit Societies Act was passed in___?

  1. 1901
  2. 1902
  3. 1903
  4. 1904


What is the area of operation of Service Co-operative Societies?

  1. Village
  2. Panchayat
  3. Municipality
  4. All of the above.

All of the above

The shortcomings of in the Act of 1904 were removed by legislation know as____?

  1. Cooperative Societies Act of 1912.
  2. The Model Cooperative Act
  3. Constitution Amendment Bill
  4. None of these

Cooperative Societies Act of 1912.

“Poor peoples committee” was the idea of ____?

  1. F.W. Raiffeisen
  2. Herr Franz Schulze
  3. Both of them
  4. None of these

F.W. Raiffeisen

Which German Cooperative societies were characterised by Unlimited liability?

  1. F.W. Raiffeisen
  2. Herr Franz Schulze
  3. Both of them
  4. None of these

F.W. Raiffeisen

Which German Cooperative societies were characterised by limited liability?

  1. F.W. Raiffeisen
  2. Herr Franz Schulze
  3. Both of them
  4. None of these

Herr Franz Schulze

These were some important MCQs on cooperative societies for competitive exams. We are sure that you will find these MCQs very useful and hope that you will share them with your friends.

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